How to Juice 101: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

Welcome to the fascinating world of juicing! If you're just starting your juicing journey, this is your beginners guide to making fresh, nutritious, and delicious juices right at home.

How to Juice for Beginners?

Starting with juicing can be as simple as getting a juicer and some fresh produce. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Choose Your Juicer: There are several types of juicers available in the market. Consider factors like price, ease of cleaning, and how well they extract juice from different types of produce.

  2. Select Fresh Produce: The fresher the fruits and vegetables, the better your juice will taste.

  3. Prepare the Produce: Clean your fruits and vegetables thoroughly. Remove any hard seeds or pits. Some people prefer to peel certain fruits and vegetables, but that's up to you.

  4. Juice Away: Feed your fruits and vegetables into the juicer. Collect the juice in a Mason Jar vacuum sealer for the freshest taste.

What is the 80/20 Rule in Juicing?

The 80/20 rule in juicing refers to making your juice from 80% vegetables and 20% fruits. This ensures that your juice is packed with nutrients without being overly high in sugar.

What is the Best Method for Juicing?

While there are many ways to extract juice from fruits and vegetables, cold press or masticating juicers are considered the best. They extract juice by crushing the produce and then pressing it, which helps retain more nutrients and enzymes.

What is the Method of Juicing?

Juicing involves extracting the juice from fruits and vegetables. This is typically done using a juicer. The juice contains most of the vitamins, minerals, and plant chemicals (phytonutrients) found in the whole fruit.

What Should You Not Do While Juicing?

Here are a few common mistakes to avoid while juicing:

  1. Don't Overload on Fruit: While fruits are healthy, they're also high in sugar. Stick to the 80/20 rule to keep your sugar intake in check.

  2. Don't Forget to Clean Your Juicer: Juicers should be cleaned immediately after use to prevent the buildup of pulp and bacteria.

  3. Don't Only Juice: While juicing can be a great way to get more fruits and vegetables in your diet, it shouldn't replace eating whole fruits and vegetables entirely.

Is Juicing a Waste of Fruit?

While juicing does remove the fiber from fruits and vegetables, it doesn't mean it's a waste. Juicing can be a great way to increase your intake of vitamins and minerals, especially if you struggle to eat enough fruits and vegetables. Just remember to also consume whole fruits and vegetables for your fiber needs.

You can also repurpose the pulp left over from juicing. It can be added to soups, stews, and baked goods to boost their fiber content.


Congratulations! You're now equipped with the knowledge to start your own juicing journey. Remember to start slow, stick to the 80/20 rule, and most importantly, enjoy the process.

Ready to start? Check out these convenient 16 oz glass jars for juice storage and these perfect 2oz glass bottles for juice shots.

Your challenge: For the next week, try to make one juice a day. Use the 80/20 rule and comment belowon your progress and results!


Understanding Different Types of Juicers: Which One is Right for You?